The Educational paradigm is changing having transformed the way we learn, what we learn and where we learn. Access and increasing use of technology and connectivity have contributed to this change. In this scenario, the University of Coimbra intends, in a unique event, to put the various stakeholders in the field of Education in dialogue. EdTech Summit Portugal emerges as a space for reflection on education, sharing inspiring experiences and showing technologies applied to education.
The EdTech Summit Portugal takes place in Coimbra, on the 10th and 11th of March. In this initiative there will be workshops for teachers of all levels of education and sharing of experiences and practices. Renowned companies with technology and innovation solutions applied to education will also be present.
This event will last 12 hours, which are accredited by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuing Training and the University of Coimbra, within the scope of “Living The Future Academy” (LFA).
On March 10th, starting at 2:30 pm, the Technological Fair, the Show and Tell, Speed Sharing, Teacher Lounge and various cultural moments will be available until the end of the event.
Pre-register now and enjoy the lowest ticket price for both days.
*In addition to UC students, professors, researchers and non-teaching staff, partner schools are also included.
Discover some of the themes that will be present in the Inspiring Experiences:
- Dematerialization of the School - digital manuals;
- Artificial intelligence;
- Inclusion;
- European Projects;
- Pedagogical Innovation.
If you have already developed an interesting project in the field of education, at the EdTech Summit you have the opportunity to make a brief presentation to inspire other teachers and share and leverage ideas.
Sign up here and book your moment at the EdTech Summit Portugal 2023 “Show and Tell”.
At Speed Sharing you will have the opportunity to talk to the companies that are at the EdTech Summit and learn about the solutions they present, exchange ideas and experiences.
The Teacher Lounge is a relaxed space where you can expand your network of contacts.
Informamos que os seguintes workshops atingiram o número máximo de participantes, pelo que já não se encontram disponíveis para escolha:
Dia 10 de março (sexta-feira):
- Animação e multimédia: Utilização das novas tecnologias em sala de aula;
- Ferramentas Digitais para a Educação Inclusiva.
Dia 11 de março (sábado):
- Gamificação na aprendizagem proativa dos alunos;
- Atividades de aprendizagem ativa com STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics);
- Apresentações em público: boas práticas de eficácia visual e performativa.
Amílcar Falcão
Cristina Albuquerque
Alexandra Aragão
Facilitator of the workshop "E-gamification as a training strategy for the SDGs"
Ana Almeida
Facilitator of the workshop "Gamification in students' proactive learning"
Ana Amélia Carvalho
Speaker at the round table "The teacher's role in the new learning context"
Ana Luísa Gil
Palestrante na mesa redonda "Inclusão e Ecossistemas Educativos"
Ana Seixas
Speaker at the round table "Curricular Innovation in Compulsory Schooling"
Ana Santos Carvalho
Facilitator of the workshop "Communicating Science: What? Why? When? Where? Who? and How?"
Ana Cristina Tavares
Facilitator of the workshop "Storytelling in science education and communication"
Armanda Mota Matos
Facilitator of the workshop "Educating for digital and media literacy"
Casa da Esquina
Dinamizadores do workshop "Larga o telemóvel!"
Cristovam Buarque
Keynote Speaker
CRTIC Coimbra
Dinamizadores do workshop "Ferramentas Digitais para a Educação Inclusiva"
Eduard Vallory
Speaker at the round table "The Future of Education"
Fátima Velez de Castro
Facilitator of the workshop "StoryMaps as a working tool in Teaching"
Filipe Penicheiro
Dinamizador do workshop ""Quem vem lá?" Simulações e jogos de estratégia inspirados em temas históricos"
Helena Duque
Facilitator of the workshop "Learning (on) Line – Literacy, Curriculum and School Library"
Filipe Galego
Dinamizador do workshop "Programação e pensamento computacional sem computadores"
Inês Araújo
Dinamizadora do workshop "Geocaching: descobrir, explorar, aprender e surpreender!"
João Sá
Facilitator of the workshops "Programming and computational thinking without computers" and "Interactive projects with micro:bit"
José Jorge Teixeira
Palestrante na mesa redonda "O papel do professor no novo contexto de aprendizagem"
Madalena Tavares
Speaker at the round table "Inclusion and Educational Ecosystems"
Maria João Horta
Speaker at the round table "The Future of Education
Maria Vieites Casado
Keynote Speaker
Mário Rocha
Speaker at the round table "The teacher's role in the new learning context"
Mariya Gabriel
Marina Pacheco
Facilitator of the workshop "Animation and Multimedia: Use of new technologies in the classroom"
Marta Pontes
Palestrantes na mesa redonda "O Futuro da Educação"
Miguela Fernandes
Facilitator of the workshop "The potential of eTwinning in an educational context"
Minna Mäkihonko
Palestrante na mesa redonda "Inovação Curricular na Escolaridade Obrigatória"
Nuno Mantas
Speaker at the round table "Inclusion and Educational Ecosystems"
Paulo Almeida
Speaker at the round table "Curricular Innovation in Compulsory Schooling"
Paulo Gomes
Facilitator of the workshops "Active learning activities with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)" and "Development of computational thinking with activities without a computer"
Paulo Peixoto
Facilitator of the workshop "How Robotics and Artificial Intelligence will change our life (at school)"
Raquel Costa
Facilitator of the workshops "Active learning activities with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)" and "Development of computational thinking with activities without a computer"
Sílvio Santos
Facilitator of the workshops "Producing Podcasts: Strategies for using sound as a pedagogical tool" and "Voice (Vocal and Breathing Practice in Educational Contexts)"
Verónica Quítalo
Facilitator of the workshop "Mind Hackers: connection and concentration in the classroom"
Book your company's place at the Technological Fair available during EdTech Summit Portugal 2023. Here you can have a space to make your company, innovative products and services known to all those present at this event.
— Space 3×3
— 5 Delegates
— Logo in General Advertising
— Video Playing During The Event
— Space Co-creation
— Dinner
— Participation in the Post-Event Video
— Space 2×2
— 3 Delegates
— Logo in General Advertising
— Space 3×2
— 4 Delegates
— Logo in General Advertising
— Video Playing During The Event
— Space Co-creation
*All packs include access to two sockets, two chairs and a side table. The remaining materials or stands are the responsibility of the companies, and must comply with the defined space criteria.
Your company can also name a space at EdTech Summit Portugal. Make the EdTech Summit Portugal Powered by you!
— Appears in all workshop schedules
— 4 workshops are held in each of these rooms
— “Company” room
— Only One Room Of This Category
— Appears in All Calendars
— The main lectures, opening and closing sessions are held in the Auditorium
— Auditorium “Company”
Discover the EdTech Summit Portugal 2023 program. From 2:30 pm, the Technological Fair, the Show and Tell, Speed Sharing, Teacher Lounge and various cultural moments will be available until the end of the event.
Amílcar Falcão
Rector of University of Coimbra
Mariya Gabriel
Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth (Video intervention)
Keynote Speaker
Maria Vieites Casado (Keynote Speaker)
Researcher and European Project Manager at CREA-UB
The teacher’s role in the new learning context
Mário Rocha
Director of the Cristelo School Group
José Jorge Teixeira
Global Teacher Prize
Ana Amélia Carvalho
Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Coimbra
Olga Morouço
Diretora Centro de Formação Associação de Escolas LeiriMar (Moderadora)
Curriculum Inovation in Mandatory School
Minna Mäkihonko
Tampere University - Head of Degree Studies, Senior Lecturer
Paulo Almeida
Diretor do Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva
Ana Seixas
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of University of Coimbra
Graça Trindade
Diretora Centro de Formação Associação de Escolas Nova Ágora (Moderadora)
Animação e multimédia: Utilização das novas tecnologias em sala de aula
Sala Almedina powered by Kendir Studios
As potencialidades do eTwinning em contexto educativo
Sala Centro
Produzir Podcasts: estratégias para usar o som como ferramenta pedagógica
Sala Inês de Castro
Ferramentas Digitais para a Educação Inclusiva
Sala Conventual
Comunicar Ciência: O quê? Porquê? Quando? Onde? Quem? e Como?
Sala Aeminium powered by e-Schooling
Como a Robótica e a Inteligência Artificial irão mudar a nossa vida (na escola)
Antiga Igreja powered by The Inventors
Projetos interactivos com micro:bit
Sala Terceira
Storytelling em educação e comunicação de ciência
Sala Sofia powered by Colégio de São José
Closign session
The future of Education
Maria João Horta
Deputy Director-General at Directorate-General for Education
Eduard Vallory
CATESCO - Catalan Education Program
Marta Pontes
Professora do Ensino Básico e Secundário e Doutoranda em Ciências da Educação
Nicolau Borges
Diretor Centro de Formação Associação de Escolas Centro Oeste (Moderador)
Inclusion and Educational Ecosystems
Nuno Mantas
Director of the Boa Água School Group
Madalena Tavares
Director of the Azambuja School Group
Ana Luísa Gil
Chefe de Divisão de Apoio Pedagógico e Inovação Educativa da Câmara Municipal Cascais
Manuela Prata
Diretora do Centro de Formação Associação de Escolas de Alcobaça e Nazaré (Moderadora)
Coffee Break
Show & Tell
Programação e pensamento computacional sem computadores
Sala Almedina powered by Kendir Studios
Quem vem lá? Simulações e jogos de estratégia inspirados em temas históricos
Sala Centro
Mindhackers conexão e concentração em sala de aula
Antiga Igreja powered by The Inventors
Atividades de aprendizagem ativa com STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)
Sala Aeminium powered by e-Schooling
Educar para a literacia digital e mediática
Sala Conventual
A e-gamificação como estratégia de capacitação para os ODS
Sala Inês de Castro
Apresentações em público: boas práticas de eficácia visual e performativa
Sala Terceira
Gamificação na aprendizagem proativa dos alunos
Sala Sofia powered by Colégio de São José
Coffee Break
A educação para a construção de um futuro comum
Cristovam Buarque (Keynote Speaker)
Emeritus Professor at the University of Brasilia
Closing Session
Cristina Albuquerque
Vice-Reitora para o Ensino e Atratividade
José Manuel Silva
Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Coimbra